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Should mobile phones be banned in schools?

The Education Secretary announced last week that mobile phones should be banned in schools. I have such mixed opinions on this!

Anya received a phone for her 11th birthday and I have just requested permission for her to take the phone to school. It will be handed in and kept at the office each day then returned at home time. The purpose of her having a phone is increased independence as well as peace of mind for us. Anya now walks to school by herself and will have the freedom to visit friends after school.
Matthew needs his phone at school to access his timetable and homework but students are only allowed their phones out at designated times.
Children don’t need phones switched on at school. I think they should be switched off or handed in during the school day as they can prove a distraction. It is convenient for the kids to be able to text to ask for forgotten items but isn’t essential as the office could call.
I remember the horror I felt when one of the children in Zach’s year reported she had lost her phone from her bag. The kids were 5 or 6 at the time. There is absolutely no way that children that young need a phone!

I do worry for the children who are at risk of abuse, grooming or bullying. But this happened before the advent of mobile phones. I fear for phones being stolen or broken but children need to learn responsibility at some point.
So should phones be banned? Yes, they should not be switched on at all during the day but are an essential part of modern life so not banned entirely.
What are your thoughts on banning phones in school?

1 comment

  1. My girls have had mobile phones since they started secondary school, mostly for my peace of mind when they were walking home but I agree that they should be switched off during the day. There is no need for them in school. x

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